OSCAS is now on Donate for Change
Donating to help the 100+ dogs in our care has never been easier, thanks to the new app Donate for Change.
DONATE FOR CHANGE makes micro charity donations of $1-5 fast and fun via smartphone app.
Start donating now by downloading the app here.
The innovative Donate for Change app is available as a FREE download on both the Apple App Store & Google Play Store and brings small ‘micro’ charity donations into the digital age.
The Donate for Change app is available for iOS and Android devices. The App recreates the traditional experience of walking down the street and, on the spur of the moment, pulling out any loose change from your pocket/purse to put in the collecting tin being held by a charity volunteer.
Donate for Change creates an engaging ongoing relationship between you the donor and your favourite charities; notifications will be sent to the user’s smartphone to remind them of when their next donation is due and each micro donation is between S$1 and S$5. The user can change any setting in the App at any time so they have full control of the experience.
Thank you for your support! No matter how small the donation they all add up and help us care for all of our dogs, until forever homes can be found.
Scan the QR code above to download the Donate for Change app.